Each campaign tool, their priority levels, and best practices

On all ConvertFlow plans, you can launch campaigns as "standalone" from each campaign's launch page.

However, while on ConvertFlow's high-tier plans, you'll have access to the scheduled campaign manager called Broadcasts.

This means you'll have 2 campaign types, each with a different use case and priority level. Standalone campaigns and Broadcasts.

Campaign Types

These are ordered by campaign priority level:

1) Broadcasts

Broadcasts are high-priority campaigns. Any campaigns launched through a broadcast will override standalone campaigns.

This means, if you have an overlay targeting your home page and launch an overlay through a broadcast that targets the home page, the overlay in the broadcast will get priority and display.

High-priority broadcasts are useful for one-off promotions and also have the ability to be scheduled to run during a timeframe.

To learn how to use Broadcast campaigns, here's the guide →

2) Standalone campaigns

Whenever you create a campaign and you can launch it from its launch page, then it's a "Standalone" campaign. These campaigns have the lowest priority and are available on every ConvertFlow plan.

Standalone campaigns are separate from your other campaigns. They have their own campaign status and targeting and are managed only from the campaign's launch page. 

Here are some guides to learn how to launch standalone campaigns:

🎥 How to create and trigger overlay popups

🎥 How to create and trigger hook popups

🎥 How to create and trigger sticky bars

🎥 How to create and launch embedded CTAs

🎥 How to create landing pages & funnels

If you're having trouble getting the right campaign to show, here's a guide on How to use ConvertFlow's admin widget to troubleshoot live campaigns.