How can I delete my account?
You can cancel your paid subscription and downgrade to ConvertFlow's free plan at any time. Downgrading to ConvertFlow's free plan will limit your account to the free plan visitor limit and feature limits.
To pause and archive all your website's campaigns, archive the ConvertFlow website, your campaigns will be paused and they can be recovered later if needed.
How to mark your account for deletion
Warning: Only proceed with this if you want to have your login data queued for deletion.
To have your account deleted, after having canceled your paid subscription, go to your account's "Users" page.
Click on your user and then click "Delete my login".
Last, click to confirm deletion of your user login. You'll be logged out immediately.
If you don't see this option, it's either because your account's paid term hasn't been completed, or because you have access to other ConvertFlow accounts that'll need access revoked from.