Google Tag Manager – How to connect ConvertFlow

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a great way to manage all of your marketing scripts and advertising pixels from one dashboard, and using one central Google script that can be placed on your website.

Important: Google Tag Manager tends to get suppressed by ad blockers unfortunately. Installing your ConvertFlow tracking snippet through a tag manager like Google Tag Manager has a chance of being ad blocked, due to the nature of tag managers being used for advertising scripts.

Connecting ConvertFlow to Google Tag Manager

To add ConvertFlow to Google Tag Manager, head to Settings > Integrations from your website's ConvertFlow dashboard.

Then, scroll to Google Tag Manager and click "Connect". 

Google will ask you to approve ConvertFlow's access to your Google Tag Manager containers.

Once you've authorized ConvertFlow, ConvertFlow will fetch your GTM containers and then ask you which container you want ConvertFlow to be installed with.

Select the correct container, click save, and then ConvertFlow automatically installs its tracking script on your behalf. Your Google Tag Manager container will now also be automatically installed on your ConvertFlow landing pages.

If you head into your GTM container and look at the tags, here's how the ConvertFlow script installation should look: